Zinc Fluoride Home>Zinc Fluoride Download SDS Properties FormulaZnF2AppearanceWhite PowderMolecular weight103.38Melting Point872° CBoiling point1500° CSolubility1.516g / 100 ml of H2O Specifications Assay98.0 % min.SO40.03 % max.Cl0.05 % max.Pb0.03% maxFe0.02% maxMoisture0.05% max Packaging Material 1. 25 Kgs HPDE bags with PE inner liner Shipping Regulation 50 Kgs. HDPE bag with inner PE liner Product Safety Information Zinc Fluoride is a toxic chemical poisonous. Keep the product in air tight bags. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. In case of contact wash the affected place with running water. Shipping Location Chennai Port, India